Thursday, 22 September 2011

Portrait: Jenny

(AKA the sequel)

So why is this also called 'the sequel'?
To make a long story short, I used the reference that I used when first metting her during our first drawing class in college, 2 years ago.
I wanted to see how much I had improved and was paranoid that I was going to make the same mistakes, which I nearly did all too often.

Any way like last time here are the stages of the drawing.
NOTE: Blogger has a new of viewing images where if you click on one you can scroll through the ones in the post in fullsceen.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Portrait: Katie

 So this is a portrait of the only person to take my offer up of me drawing them.
Its not perfect but I feel at least I'm getting better with the shading and hair techniques and I'm getting close to doing a solid photorealistic drawing if a can get the proportions right.

Anyhow I thought I would give so insight to how i draw it.
 In a 2H I sketch out the guidelines and try to get an idea of what goes where.

 Next I fade the lines with a rubber and using a 2B pencil to do the skin tones, I use stumps to help with blending.

 Still using a 2B I start the first layer of hair, I usea brush to help with this.

I then use a 4B and a putty rubber to add depth to the hair and a 2H to add stray hairs.
I then focus on a few final details like the eyes before getting the result a the top.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Digital Painting: Uruk-Hai Berserker

So If you saw my last post you would have got a glimpse of a crappy low res preview of my then work-in-progress painting.
A week later I can now show the higher quality (and hopefully not so crappy) finished piece.

The story behind this was simply I watched LOTR: The Two Towers little over a week ago and felt like painting one of the slightly angrier variants of Saruman's uruk-hai horde.
This is also the first digital painting I've done from start to finish. Quite happy with that.

I'm also quite happy with the details around the face.
Click on the close-up above to get a better look.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Important Messages

Right I've got a couple of messages to send out along with a work-in-progress I've got going, so I'll make this short.

First I would like to offer drawing a FREE portrait of anyone who is interested.
I've currently got 12 sheets of Bristol board left and instead of doing 12 self-portraits I would like to some of other people.

The conditions are:
  1. I need to know you
  2. I can work from photograph or life, whatever suits you best
  3. If I'm working from a photo, it's best that it is of high quality and if possible gray scale (but I can do that part)
  4. I will make a digital copy if you want the original
So if you are interested please contact me which why is best for you.

So before the second message here is a preview on a current piece I'm working on, of a uruk-hai berserker.
More info will be posted when its finished.

Finally I know that it's mainly friends and family that are currently reading this but I would like to thank you for your support. Last month I got over 100 hits in just a few days, and I hope that this becomes a increasing trend as more people pop around here.