Wednesday 6 July 2011

My Big Break ....Almost

 So about this last year me and a few others from my course were told through our tutor that a local business wanted us to design something for a very long wall they had to adversities themselves as metal stockiest and DIY store.

We of course took it up with the possible taste of local fame and glory dribbling down our fronts

Fast forward to a week ago, I was the last of that group still working on this and about to present the final installment of my design (I came in 3 parts), when I was told with great regret that the project had to be cancelled due to projected expenses tripling the original budget just with the first two parts of my design I had handed in.

Fortunately they gave me a bit of money for my work, but the real treat (and shame in some ways) was that they had made a  1:10 scale model of my first design (shown left) .

This design was based on a image of the founder of the company from a hundred years ago. It was split up in to different layers made from metal which are placed together to create an image as well as a 3D piece with depth.

I've written a lot here so I will do a couple more posts in the future with the other designs that I had and more details what was planed. Here is some photos of it for a better idea of the layers and scale.