Sunday 4 September 2011

Important Messages

Right I've got a couple of messages to send out along with a work-in-progress I've got going, so I'll make this short.

First I would like to offer drawing a FREE portrait of anyone who is interested.
I've currently got 12 sheets of Bristol board left and instead of doing 12 self-portraits I would like to some of other people.

The conditions are:
  1. I need to know you
  2. I can work from photograph or life, whatever suits you best
  3. If I'm working from a photo, it's best that it is of high quality and if possible gray scale (but I can do that part)
  4. I will make a digital copy if you want the original
So if you are interested please contact me which why is best for you.

So before the second message here is a preview on a current piece I'm working on, of a uruk-hai berserker.
More info will be posted when its finished.

Finally I know that it's mainly friends and family that are currently reading this but I would like to thank you for your support. Last month I got over 100 hits in just a few days, and I hope that this becomes a increasing trend as more people pop around here.

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