Friday 9 September 2011

Digital Painting: Uruk-Hai Berserker

So If you saw my last post you would have got a glimpse of a crappy low res preview of my then work-in-progress painting.
A week later I can now show the higher quality (and hopefully not so crappy) finished piece.

The story behind this was simply I watched LOTR: The Two Towers little over a week ago and felt like painting one of the slightly angrier variants of Saruman's uruk-hai horde.
This is also the first digital painting I've done from start to finish. Quite happy with that.

I'm also quite happy with the details around the face.
Click on the close-up above to get a better look.

1 comment:

  1. could definitely do with being lighter, cant see much but what I can see is very impressive, however use a wider colour pallet and character could certainly use some more highlights (not necessarily a brighter brown)also from using the dodge tool the brighter brown has almost become white, use the colour pallet for a brighter brown then use the dodge tool to expand.
